Moss Ears says, "Heathy forests are essential for clean water."

The spirits of nature come in many forms. In the Magical forests of Mt. Elfinstone you can fide trees that talk, Dragons, faerries, River Sprites, and Elves. They say the darndest things really. The forest is thier home, the trees thier roof, and the rivers bring them life. We humans need to learn to work with these sensative creatures or they will vannish, along with the salmon and the bear!


Jennifer Norquist,

Artist and performer

Jennifer is an amazing Sunshine Coast Artist expressing herself through many facets.

She creates one of a kind custom tailored garments, playful costumes, puppets to enchant you, and mosaic art installations (Dragonfly Arts).

She is involved in Upper Realms stilt workshops and is available for booking performances at your events.



Contact her at: ~ 604-741-1865 cell ~ 604-885-2722 studio